My web site will consist of what is mostly from games, and will also be a benifit to you to come here because it will also have a way to get what you want in it.
From your good budy
Vince the helper.
I hope you like the background music.
I like emails but it's hard to read them all the time, so if you send me somthing it might be a while before a reply comes or realy soon ,but I would like emails on what you want in my site and complements to my site.
Vince's home page
Click on the horn to go to some music stuff.
most people know me as EclipsE when playing online. I am the true EclipsE all others are an imitation E-mail me if you think you saw me ill beat up the imatation if i find him :)
Click on the planet to see pics
The best way to get in contact with me is to email me here